Want to make a difference?

7 days foundation Since the past 2 years, 7days foundation has been leading the change when it comes to empowering the underserved and uplifting the deserving.

 In rural areas, we make us aware of reading about menstrual hygiene every day.

 7days foundation stemmed from an incessant and urgent need to address the ineptitude of a society which was not only functioning on a set of inherently flawed ideals but seemingly thriving on them too. It is a youth-led youth-driven social initiative committed to bringing a change. Through education, love and empowerment we seek to create a society equal in its norms of gender and appreciative of differences.

Actualising that dream is our responsibility, and so we call ourselves the changemakers; harbingers of change, not saviours but a wave heralding a do-over. Currently, we are conducting workshops on issues like Menstrual Health, Child Sexual Abuse, Gender Equality and various other topics of consequence in hopes of breaking stereotypes and bringing about tangible change.

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes

Our Vision

7days foundation vision is helping create a world acceptive and appreciative of people because of who they are and not impose their ideas of gender, sexuality, ability, race, religion, class or caste on others. To improve the qualityof life of as many people as we humanly can…
We believe in love and have faith in the power it exhibits.